Friday, October 20, 2017


I haven't had much stitching time so no update until next week on those projects. I have always said stitch friends are the best to have and I am singing their praises this week as I received gifts from friends. I am so thankful and blessed.

My friend Mandy gave me a birthday gift.

And a large bag of coffee nut m&m's.

My friend Susan sent me these.

My friend Sharon from Canada sent these lovely things. We normally send each other stitch items a couple of times a year.


  1. What lovely gifts you received from your friends! Stitch friends are the best. Are the striped items project bags? Enjoy your weekend!

    1. They are project bags and fabulous. They have a store similar to our Dollar Tree and they sell them for $1! I have looked here and never found anything like that at our stores.

  2. Happy Birthday, whenever it was!
    Love the flag made of stars, such a clever design.

    1. thanks Jo! It isn't until November 1, they were just on the ball.
